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Before Chippokes: A Year with the Quiyoughcohannock

By Brenna GeraghtyPosted May 21, 2019
Find out who lived here before Chippokes was founded in 1619.
Every part of the Quiyoughcohannocks

5 Reasons to Visit This Hidden Gem on The Potomac

By Callie MorganPosted May 10, 2019
You won't find a better place to escape into nature and history than Caledon State Park.
Bald Eagle Release

First Time Day Tripper: Chippokes State Park

By Guest BloggerPosted May 09, 2019
A day full of fun and discovery for a first-time trip to this unique park located on the banks of the historic James River.

Top 5 Ways History Flows at Pocahontas State Park

By Guest BloggerPosted May 06, 2019
Our history may not be as visible as other parks, but guests will be surprised by the history that hides in plain sight.
 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Field - This location hosted the CCC’s camp that consisted of 23 buildings including their barracks, mess hall, and a boxing ring at Pocahontas State Park, Virginia

Governor's Award winner keeps SWVA history alive

By Martha WileyPosted April 20, 2019
Regional historian Dr. Lawrence Fleenor has volunteered since 2005 at the Southwest Virginia Museum Historical State Park, sharing his enthusiasm and love for area history with countless visitors.
Ellenbrook, one of the stunning historic homes on the Tour to Eden bus tour

Top 5 Reasons to Spend Time at Hungry Mother State Park This Summer

By Guest BloggerPosted March 25, 2019
If you're planning your family vacation, then you'll be glad to discover that Hungry Mother State Park offers some of Virginia’s finest recreational opportunities.
Summer fun at Hungry Mother State Park in Virginia begins at the beach

A Spy Camp Named Eagle's Nest

By Callie MorganPosted March 19, 2019
Did you know Boyd's Hole was once home to a Civil War Spy Camp led by Thomas Conrad Nelson?
Looking up river at Boyd

In the Interest of Justice

By Guest BloggerPosted February 22, 2019
Countless people have had their first swimming lesson at this park, vacationed here, and even gotten married here… and this park wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for Mr. Martin.
Mr. Maceo Conrad Martin in his hometown of Danville, Virginia

Barns of Virginia State Parks

By Shellie AnnePosted February 21, 2019
There is something inherently romantic about a barn, especially one that has weathered the storms of life and still stands strong to tell of it.
A red hay barn sits quietly in a field at Belle Isle State Park, Virginia

History of a Pre-Civil Rights Era State Park

By Christen MillerPosted February 19, 2019
Prince Edward State Park was opened to the public in June 1950, making it Virginia's only pre-Civil Rights Era state park for African-Americans. This is a story of the legacy of this state park, now called Twin Lakes State Park.
History comes alive. Everyone deserves access to nature, and Prince Edward State Park was the one and only park people of color could visit during Virginia’s pre-1964 segregation past.

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